View Profile GreenMapleClock
I am the epitome of all that is Shaggy

Shaggy @GreenMapleClock

Age 35, Male


Quest high school


Joined on 12/18/04

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1,985 / 2,180
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GreenMapleClock's News

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 27th, 2008

I will warn you, if you are not a Punk Rock fan, go else where, I don't want your hateful bullshit here.

I am interested in organizing a music video collab (which explains the gay little picture included with this post)

Any who, I've been trying to come up with a good flash to get me out of this funk I'm in currently and decided it would be best to try and make a music video.

I've been especially interested in Slumber, Stranger Than Fiction, I love my Computer, The Defense, Who we are, and Beyond Electric Dreams by Bad Religion.
As Well as Wake Up call, Sky's the Limit, 12:34, Carpe Diem, and On Edge by Authority Zero.

I don't much care if you've heard of either of these two bands, though if you haven't heard of Bad Religion please get out from under your rock, they've been around since 82 and are still releasing kick ass albums. I will educate you guys on the music if you need it, but I do need quality animators to assist me.

Let me know if anybody's interested.

Also, I'll Need someone to program the menu cuz i don't know shit about that.

Here's the plan

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 24th, 2008

Despite recent hate issues I've been receiving from a couple of the guys over at CC, I am not discouraged.

I shall continue to make my crappy flashes, and I will laugh at those bastards when they hate on me. Hell It worked for SBC, it certainly can work for me right?

I acutally have several projects in the works right now, most of which are in the planning process, but I'll keep you guys Posted.

I'm Still here

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 17th, 2008

Ok, someone asked me how I came up with my avatar as well as the crazy name "Green Maple"

Here's how it went down.

I was watching some clock crew flashes, F-U clock's "Clock War" to be precise, and I decided that I wanted to be a part of this wonderful orginization.

So I went to the clock crew and spent like 2 days trying to come up with a name. Irish and Canada were already taken so I decided to combine the two, being as I am Irish/French Canadian (because my family is cajun)

I eventually came up with Green Maple (Get it, Green cuz it's irish, and maple cuz it's canadian. I thought it was clever) and came up with this avatar (number 1)

When I actually started doing flashes that avatar was not versitile enough so I came up with this
(number 2)

That evolved into this one
(numbe 3)
Which was the first one i used in any flash (my very first flash for that matter)

and finally it evolved into The Green Maple you Know and love
(number 4)

After a couple flashes with Green Maple number 4, I decided I wanted to make him have an enemy. So I created him a brother, Anti-Maple

(number 5)

But that is the history of green Maple, Hope you enjoyed the read.

The Explanation Behind my avatar

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 16th, 2008

yeah, i'm about outa ideas, and i seem to be reusing the same joke over and over again.

anyone have any suggestions?

I'll give you credit for it if you do

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 15th, 2008

GMS-5 made it with a 3.19, thanks alot to all my supporters, but i really wouldn't mind more reviews.

I hope to get 2 more pumped out before march, and if all goes well I'll be collaborating with the Gears Group or Shades Group on my next couple of flashes, so keep an eye out for those

thanks again for all your support guys!

Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 14th, 2008

Well I became an official clock a couple months ago thanks to my GM short's series, and shortly after that I was invited to join the shades group and then rejected.

And just now, I've been accepted into the Gears Group

check em out if you're interested


Posted by GreenMapleClock - January 13th, 2008

Man, yet another forum I'll be on instead of doing several other things I need to be doing, like, I don't know say, Looking for a job, entertaining my girlfriend, schoolwork, flash, any number of things.

anyways it's http://linkz57.podzone.net/wordpress/ if anybody's interested in seeing my rants.

I'll see you guys around.

Posted by GreenMapleClock - September 5th, 2007

Yes...it is

I know this message will never get read until after the post goes up, and even then it would be a near miracle if it does....

It's Coming....What started out as "The Spunky and Bob show" comic strip is now being translated for flash, "InHumane TV" will feature all of the original charectors plus a few more.

I'll get a spoiler up before to long.