What started out as a short, 3 background, One Character project has now escalated into...let's see...6 backgrounds, 3 major charectors, and atleast 6 cameos that I have to animate as well.
This is turning out to be my largest, and probably longest project to date.
But all is going fairly well, all things considered. And I hope to have this done before the end of May.
Have no fear, GMS's-8 is on the way!
I'll keep you guys posted.
Any questions feel free to respond to this article or send them to my inbox.
Here's a clip from the first frame of the first scene of the animation.
i wanna voice it too
GreenMapleClock (Updated )
again, robot voices no actual voices, the good news is, as you can see, i actually included you in this one. Although you are not a main charector, simply just a cameo, you should still feel good that i went out of my way to include you